Découvrez les notes complètes de la mise à jour 13.15 de League of Legends !
La mise à jour 13.15 de League of Legends est enfin disponible avec plusieurs changements pour les champions et les objets. Découvrez toutes les nouveautés dans les notes de patch suivantes.
Champion Changes:
– – Slight adjustment of the damage on Aatrox’s Q ability, making it a bit stronger.
– – Increase in critical strike rate coefficient, resulting in additional base damage when critical strikes occur. Also, an increase in critical strike chance ratio on her ultimate ability.
– – Small adjustment to Camille’s attack damage growth stat and a buff to the base bonus magic damage on her ultimate ability.
– – Slight increase in health regeneration rate and bonus armor and magic resistance on her W ability.
– – Reduction in magic resistance stat and an increase in damage on his W ability and shield strength on his E ability.
– – Minor adjustments to damage ratios on Kai’Sa’s Q ability, both with and without evolution, and a slight reduction in cooldown reduction ratio on her W ability.
– – Reduction in bonus damage to monsters on Maokai’s Q ability.
– – Increase in bonus movement speed from Nami’s passive ability and an increase in magic damage on her Q ability.
– – Improvement in the order of damage and passive application on Rell’s abilities. Also, adjustments to her Q ability’s flash interaction and quality of life changes to her W ability.
– – Adjustment in damage on Sejuani’s W ability.
– – Minor adjustments to Shyvana’s base stats, including attack damage growth and health growth. Also, a slight increase in damage on her Q ability and a reduction in damage on her W ability.
– – Increase in magic damage on Taliyah’s Q ability and a decrease in cooldown and damage modifier on her E ability.
– – No changes, only a mirror of base stat scaling for Yasuo’s passive ability.
– – Increase in shield strength on Yone’s W ability.
Smite and Ultimate Summon Changes:
– – Significant adjustments to the damage of Smite on non-lane minions. Also, changes to several champion’s ultimate summon abilities.
Item Changes:
– – Adjustment to the activation condition of Night Harvester.
Rune Changes:
– – Modification of the slow percentage on Glacial Augment.
ARAM Changes:
– – Buffs and nerfs to several champions in ARAM mode.
Bugfixes and Quality of Life Changes:
– – Several bugfixes and quality of life changes, including fixes for champion abilities and item interactions.
La mise à jour 13.15 de League of Legends apporte des ajustements aux champions, aux objets et aux runes. Ces changements visent à équilibrer le jeu et à améliorer l’expérience des joueurs. N’oubliez pas de consulter les notes complètes du patch pour en savoir plus. Allez-vous tester ces nouvelles modifications dans vos parties ?
Source : www.bing.com